Specialized Massage Therapy Sessions
Integrated Massage: Some days we need more of a relaxing massage and some days we need a deeper massage. This treatment is customized to your individual needs for each particular day. This Integrated Massage provides relaxation, but also integrates more detailed work for a problem area or an area where you are experiencing pain. A variety of techniques such as trigger point therapy, myofascial release, deep tissue, Swedish will be blended to give the most beneficial massage treatment possible. 30 Minutes: $500, 60 Minutes: $100, or 90 Minutes: $150
Pregnancy Massage: Our 60 Minute Integrated Massage customized to the needs of the expecting mommy. We utilize the Body Cushion system which allows mama to lie face down and experience massage as she normally would. If the mother is too far along in her pregnancy, a side-lying position with various pillows will be required. This is determined at the discretion of the therapist with consideration given to the comfort level of the mother. 60 Minutes: $100 or 90 Minutes: $150